Peace Building

Every Sarfaroshi dreams of a world where Hindus and Muslims can live together peacefully and celebrate festivals together.  Where Lord Ram and Rahim have an equal space in the collective imagination of our people. Where we aren’t looking at the kind of food on each other’s plates but at whether there is enough to go around.

We are trying to make this dream come true, one person and conversation at a time and we work on building this amity in various ways.

First, we encourage our Sarfaroshi community leaders to populate village and town meetings with as diverse a population as possible. 

Second, we try and get people to celebrate festivals together.

Last year, the women leaders in Nala village invited Muslims over for the festival of Holi. And that changed the colour temperature of the festivities for everyone. 

This year, our Hindu Sarfaroshi leaders were encouraged to hold Iftars or feasts for their Muslim neighbours during the festival of Eid and our Muslim leaders were asked to invite Hindus for their festivities. 

The results were so heart-warming that we decided to film it. You can watch the half hour here. We called it `Our Kind of Eid.

Indeed, we would like to see this culture of togetherness spread until it becomes our kind of world.
Your donations help keep the Sarfaroshi flame burning bright.